A Clean House

Don’t you just love a clean house? I love a clean house. It smells nice. Cobwebs are gone, dust is gone, everything is all sparkly and clean. Feels great. Thing is I love a clean house but I just don’t love it enough. I am just not wired that way. As an old dog I have learned some new tricks, but the reality is that I am a fairly messy person. When it comes to priorities cleaning comes somewhere quite a bit lower than duck hunting, fishing, and any number of things. I would rather not clean the house.

 That being said, I do try and do my part. I am not one of those men who sit back and expect to have the wife feed me grapes and fan me with the palm leaves. My mom made sure I knew how to cook and clean as a matter of course. So when I reflect on cleaning the house it is not a reflection from a theoretical stand point. Cleaning the house is hard work. It is not fun, and it is not pleasant. But it is necessary and it feels good when it is clean.

In this last week on Nehemiah we will be looking at chapter 13. He had gone back to his king for a bit, and coming back to Jerusalem he discovered the kids had trashed the place. He needed to clean house.   Sometimes our spiritual lives are in the same spot. We have gotten sloppy, messy, and we know what we need to do.

Come find out how we can follow Nehemiah’s example and experience that wonderful feeling of a clean house.

 See you at church,

Pastor Chris.