A New Place

Do you remember the first time going to a new church?  Maybe it was just a visit or maybe you moved and had to find a new church.  Do you remember how you felt?  Did you worry about fitting in or whether it would be a friendly church or one of those other kind?  Did you wonder if they were judging you or if they were going to talk about you when you left?  Now you might be thinking that all those things are the paranoid delusions of an insecure adolescent, but the reality is that we probably all felt them at some level when trying out a new church.  Tomorrow we may have a number of new folks attend.  I wonder how they will feel?
The good news is that I know the kind of people you are at Wellspring Fellowship.  You are friendly, open, loving, full of compassion, and real.  You don’t put on airs, or act.  You don’t look down your nose and we all know we are no ones judge.  We don’t gossip because that is motivated out of hate, and it is just not something we tolerate at our church.   There is no status or privileged few; we are all in this together.  That is the way we are , but will our guests feel that way?
While we of course have no way of controlling how someone else feels here is my one encouragement for you; be who you are. No gimmicks, no sales job, or making something like something it is not.  No need for the extra special friendly sauce, because that will just come off as over the top.  Instead be your normal beautiful selves and I am confident that any guest that comes through our door will feel welcome, loved, and included.
Looking forward to what God brings this week and in the coming weeks.
God Bless,
Pastor Chris