Believable II

I got a call today from a fellow who said he was from the US Treasury department. He wanted to talk with Susan about a legal matter.   His halting English and my phone caller ID, which said he was from Brawley, CA (about 10 miles from Mexicali), said I don’t think so. There is not even a US treasury office in Brawley. I laughed at him and said “Cool now I too can say I got called by the IRS scammers. “ He just wasn’t even remotely believable.

 The last time we talk about Believable it was in the context of the miracles that surrounded the birth of Jesus. It was to ask and answer was this historical event, the arrival of Jesus, believable? It was! Now we move into part two of the trilogy. In the next 4 weeks we will look at the eyewitness accounts of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.   Depending on where you are at you will be either challenged to believe or reaffirmed in your belief.

 Unlike the phony IRS scam caller, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus has all the characteristics, all the tale-tale signs of something that rings true. This week we will look at His teachings and their qualities that make them and Him Believable.

 See you at church,

 Pastor Chris