

When everything is new it is hard to be sure. Whether it is a new job, a new class, a new teacher, a new car, or even new clothes. You wonder if you are doing things right. You wonder what it is going to be like. You wonder where the blinkers are, and you sometimes wonder if you have gone too far with the spring fashion.   It is the newness that gets you. You just don’t know what you don’t know and you are somewhat shaky on what you do.

The Church in Colosse was new. Located in a sleepy little town known for its wool, the church was the fruit of the hard work of Paul when he was in Ephesus. Paul, however, was not a pastor, he was an evangelist. So he appointed leaders and went on to the next place. But while he was away Others began to slip in and teach something a bit different. Because they were new they were vulnerable.

Paul’s letter was written to get them back on track. To help them reject the false teachings and hold onto the very things he taught them. It must have surely been an encouragement. Back on the right track again!

As we work through the book of Colossians we get to read the letter that Paul wrote and be reassured and encouraged to stay on track. Whether new in our faith or gracefully maturing, the philosophy of this world has a way of creeping in and infecting us with false teaching.   So just like the church it was written to we can discover or be reminded again of everything that is new in Christ.

Hope to see you at church,

Pastor Chris Henderson