We Believe

What do you believe? In this current age beliefs seem somewhat flexible in nature. For instance, I sometime encounter folks whose beliefs are dependent on the circumstance or their current environment. One might say I believe this that or the other thing in one group of people, but in another group of people they are much less dogmatic or a bit more bendy. Sometimes beliefs are viewed almost as emotions. I feel this is right or I feel that everyone should…… How dependent should ones beliefs be on emotion?
Maybe the problem is that beliefs are sometimes confused with opinions. I think x, y, and z is true is an opinion, but I believe x, y, and z should be significantly different. At one time the beliefs of a church were summed up in creeds that were repeated every week as they came together for worship. This continues to be the practice of a number of churches to this day. Such creeds were a way of identifying the true believers or the true faith. Unfortunately saying a creed does not necessarily translate to actual belief. Actual belief as it turns out requires action.
James put it quite succinctly when he said “Show me your faith (belief) without deeds, and I will show you my faith (beliefs) by my deeds.” James 2:18b(italics mine) Might it be that the life you live does more to demonstrate your beliefs than what you say?
For the next few weeks we will be talking about what we as a church believe as we work through the seven essentials from our Statement of Faith. Do you believe them?
See you at church.

Pastor Chris