What does it take?

A rich young man asked about it and found out it would cost him a lot of money. A short cheater fellow felt he had to make things right. A woman at a well had to change her lifestyle and learn to get water from a new well. A Centurion acknowledged a higher authority. Hard to imagine, but a prostitute humbled herself even more than before. A couple of fishermen left their nets and went out of business. A church leader snuck into a secret meeting just so he could find out straight from the Teacher. Each example is useful in understanding just what it takes to follow Jesus. The cost is always higher than one would think.

 I heard a person talking about the cost of an expensive yacht one time. He said there is a point in yachts where if you have to ask it is probably too much. You see if you are wealthy enough to own it, you are probably wealthy enough not to care, or at least don’t have to ask what it costs. The good news is that a relationship with Jesus is available to every one regardless of our gender, race, and especially income. But make no mistake it will cost, but considering the reward is priceless it is a good thing someone else paid the price for it.

 This week as we continue on talking about New Beginnings, we will be talking about what it takes to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Come find out what it will take for you.

See you at church,

 Pastor Chris