Can you hear me now?

Do you remember the commercials where the guy was walking around saying “Can you hear me now?” The more cell towers there are the less relevant that commercial got.   Now it seems that there are few places where you can’t get at least some reception. For those out on the Key, you probably know the spots. Like Ravensara where you dip into that corner and your calls drop. Just as with cell towers, we have a need to be in the right spot with God to be able to hear him and it is always me that needs to move.

I find that I have a difficult time hearing God because I am often just not listening. Like being in a crowed room where everyone is talking at once, it is sometimes difficult to make out God’s voice amongst the chaos. It is not that I don’t want to listen it is just that I am too busy, or too tired, or too x, y, x. There are all sorts of reasons we tend to come up with as to why we are not hearing.   We need to work on listening.

Listening is not a very exciting thing to talk about. It is often considered quite passive, yet it is vital if we are to accomplish all that God is calling us to do. We can be zooming in the wrong direction, not relevant to God’s purposes, and doing things in our own strength, and the results (or more likely lack of results) show up. But when we listen we begin to not only accomplish things , but we accomplish the right things at the right times.

This week we are going to be talking about “NEXT: Three Significant Ministries.” We will be exploring some of the opportunities God is calling us to, and answering the question: “Am I Listening?”

See you at church,

Pastor Chris