E-bulletin 4-27-18


This Sunday- Home Cooked Meal.  This will be the last one for this year and we will not be doing it next year. Please see Deb E. and let her know if you can be part of it.


Wednesday Family Night! – Back up and running!  See you at 6pm for the family meal!


Church campout registration is LIVE.  Please register today!


Short meeting right after church to discuss the building project and our change in financial strategy. 


Upcoming Events!  

May 13th  – Honoring Single Mom’s

June 1st – Daddy Daughter ball – see Jessica to join this team!

June 10th– Family Fishing Day at Lake Devereaux

June 27th– July 1st– Church Campout!


Building project update – We have started!  Geotech review is finished and septic design is in progress.  These go first so we can determine where the building (and drain field etc.) will be.  Exciting to make a start!  Please pray for the Capital Campaign Team, who are focused on pursuing donations so we can take the next steps in the building process.  Our goal is to build our church without significant debt.  Stay tuned for more updates!


Amazon Smile – Amazon has a deal where our church can receive a portion (.005) of every purchase we make.  It is a small amount but every little bit counts! So if you use Amazon please support our church.  Here is a link to our smile account.  




Timothy Project Update:  Lets not forget our Timothy project even though we are working on a building!  Drake is up to his eyebrows in this quarter!  Please keep him in your prayers as he continues to pursue God’s call on his life!


Stay Connected


Wellspring Fellowship Blog: http://d1150005.u51.truepath.com/newsblog/


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