
It is amazing how some commercials just stick with you. The energizer bunny is one such commercial.   It just keeps going and going and going. We are kind of like that too. We just keep going and going and going. We are busy people and we do a lot! Some of it is more productive than other things, but the reality is we are always doing. When do you stop and recharge?

I appreciate summer time. I have been on an educational schedule for most of my life. Of course growing up when I was in school, but then college, and then as an educator it seems that summer has always been somewhat of a down time. Now for some folks summer is just regular work with hotter temperatures, but usually somewhere in the mix is a vacation. A vacation is that opportunity to recharge.   Are you stopping to recharge this summer?

It is true that we can do all things through Him who gives us strength! AMEN! But it is also true that Jesus often got off by himself to pray. He was tired and needed to recharge and reconnect with God. It wasn’t that he wasn’t able to continue by relying on the Spirit to sustain him, but rather the very act of stopping to recharge was a vital part of that reliance!

 Are you recharging?

See you at church!

 Pastor Chris