Fake News

In recent times we have become quite aware of fake news.  There have always been the times when the media stretched things.  Tales of the Wild West etc. were always a bit over the top.  It is always enjoyable to watch the times when the media gets busted being overly dramatic, like the weather reporter in a kayak making you think he is in deep water, and then someone walks by in rubber boots.  But the recently they have taken it to new levels especially during the last couple of elections.  So much so that it is difficult to trust any of them, and honestly, most of the time I don’t.  Having lost sight of objectivity they now present “facts” that aren’t from anonymous sources that no one can check.
It would seem that similar things are happening when it comes to spiritual information as well. People represent things about Jesus that are simply untrue. They say them so that people feel better, or at least don’t feel bad.  They create a Jesus in their mind the way they want him to be.  When asked they then tell the stories as facts. They have lost sight of the real Jesus of the Bible and proclaim fake news, and sadly some believe them.

It is in this kind of cultural environment that we as followers of Christ must proclaim the real news.  That is why it is so essential to know what scripture proclaims about Jesus and be sure we are proclaiming the truth.  What is your proclamation about Jesus?

Come and hear about what Scripture proclaims about Jesus.
See you at church.

Pastor Chris