The Gift Poured Out March 25,2019

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 1 John 4:9 (NIV)

God sent His Gift, poured out from heaven to live among us, His created ones. Our God is so very generous, patient, and kind in the way that He chooses to love each one of us. How are you responding to His love?

Are you rejecting God’s love for you? It’s ok if you’re in the place of rejection. I’ve been there too, we all have for one reason or another. But, remember that God is generous, patient, and kind in the way He loves us. I’d like to invite you to keep reading these posts, and take a new peek into the Love you’ve been rejecting, so that you fully understand what it is you’re refusing.

Are you holding God’s love away? It’s ok to be in this place too. I’ve been right here with you. I’ve allowed fear, resentment, and trying to be, “strong enough,” to keep me distant from God’s love. Again, His love is so generous, patient, and kind. As we stubbornly hold Him away, He gently whispers, “My love isn’t dependent on where you’re at right now, I’ll wait as you learn to let down your walls and stop hiding from me.” Do you feel Him calling? “Come close, my child.”

Are you embracing God’s love for you? This is the life that is truly life! The abundant life that is meaningful because we’re living right where God intended us to live, fully “embraced” in His love. This is the life that today’s verse is speaking about. Because of His great love, God sent Jesus so that, “We might live through Him.” Jesus is The Gift poured out so we can live embraced in God’s tender love, through the blood sacrifice of Jesus.

Oh! My heart is so full of gratitude to The Gift for bringing me out of the place of rejecting God’s love, out of the place of holding God’s love away, and into the place of receiving The Gift as my Savior, embracing God’s love for me, and in return being embraced by that generous, patient, and kind love.


Today’s Verse

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 1 John 4:9 (NIV)


Turning Today’s Verse into a Prayer

Thank You for showing me Your love by sending Jesus into my world so that I can live through this beautiful Gift. Deepen my understanding of Your love. Take away the lies I’ve been trapped in, replace the lies with the truth that Your love is generous, patient, kind, and that Your love is for me. Help me embrace Your love so I can live embraced by Your love. Thank You for pouring out The Gift, Jesus on the cross for my sins. Thank you for patiently forgiving me every time I sin, generously pouring out Your love into my life, and for kindly shining Your truth into my heart today.