What’s New?

What’s new?

Have you ever had anyone ask you that? You catch up with cousins, your kids, or friend you haven’t seen for a while, and let them tell you what is new in their life. Thing is even if you have one of the most boring lives around, if you think real hard, there is probably something new. Life very seldom stays static in any significant way. Always something is changing, growing, shrinking, or adjusting.   Life just doesn’t hold still.

There is no better place to see that than with little ones. I get to see some more than others, but week by week, as little ones come to church they have some new skill, some new way of doing things. One week they just lay there and the next week they are scooting around. One week their language is unintelligible (to anyone but them or possibly a twin) the next week they start saying words. But no matter what every week they are different.

But what if someone asked the same question of your life in Christ? What would you say then? What new thing is God showing you? What new place is He taking you? What new insight has been revealed or fruit born of application is showing up in your life? All to often I fear that there is no new thing at all. Having all we want or need, we are merely full, stuffed, satisfied, and sedentary. That is not the way it should be.  Jesus wants to do something new in your life all the time.

This weeks sermon we will be looking at the new thing God wants to do in you.

See you at church,

Pastor Chris