Who is He to you?

 “Who is that?” is always a very subjective question. It is not subjective in the factual sense of a persons particular identity. With the new biometric data such as your fingerprints, retina scan, DNA, and Facebook facial recognition, we can pretty much establish your factual identity. I wouldn’t be surprised if the NSA has even assigned you a number (I wonder what mine is?). Rather it is subjective based on who is answering, and usually that is the much more important answer.

For instance if someone were to ask who I was, it would depend on who was responding that would determine the answer (trophy husband, dad, grandpa, pastor, neighbor, stranger etc.). There are many possibilities. Ultimately when you answer the question “ Who is that?” You are actually answering the question “Who is that to you?” And we almost always lead with the most intimate response. Susan never introduces me as her pastor or the guy who mows the lawn.

So how do you or would you respond if someone asked you “Who is Jesus?”. Would you spend your time talking about his biometric data? He was born a long time ago, in Bethlehem; you might have seen the display in a Gig Harbor park? (or maybe not). Or would you introduce him differently? Would you introduce him because he is famous? Or would you introduce him based on who he is to you? Which begs the question, “Who is he to you?”

We are entering the season where we focus in on Jesus. We will not only focus in on what he did, but who he is to us because of it. I hope you come worship and answer the question.

See you at church.

Pastor Chris