What Would It Take?

Have you ever heard of the stories of the couple who were struggling in their marriage, and then some tragedy hit, and it some how reminded them of what was important and they got close again. Or the person who narrowly escaped a car accident, or maybe the person who got the cancer diagnosis suddenly remembering who God was? Or maybe you heard the story of the executive who blinks his eyes and his children are gone and can’t figure out why he doesn’t know them? Why are we so easily distracted from the things that are the most important in life? And why does it often take some sort of tragedy to wake us up?

It would be so much better if we never let ourselves get lazy in our marriage. It would be so much better if we stayed closed to God in the first place so that tragedy would not be so shocking. It would be better if while we were working hard we had kept our family as first before work. But all so often we don’t. We find that our relationships need refreshing, our perspectives need wake up calls, and our priorities need to be reprioritized.

We are beginning a new sermon series called Leaning In: Getting Close to Jesus. The overarching theme is that we can indeed get close to Jesus, (I will be reminding you of some of the ways we can) but here is the question; What will it take? What will it take to move you in such a way that you want to get close to Him? What will it take for you to put laziness aside for discipline? What will it take before you give up the cold loneness of distance, to nestle into the warmth of His embrace? What will it take before you once again Lean In? My hope is that it just takes a gentle reminder.

 See you at church,

Pastor Chris